Temple webpage header


We've built something divine, daring and different and we love to share the journey of its creation.

The tour will take you through each stage in the Temple's construction and we are continuing to add the stories of other creations at Middle Path.

It's quite a browse so now may be a good time to put the kettle on.

- thanks for visiting ... enjoy
Fergus and Trijntje Reilly

Fergus & Trijntje Reilly - the creators and the Temple Walls as the construction gets underway in 1998
Fergus & Trijntje as the walls rise

Take the tour

    A step-by-step trip through time following the construction process.

See those arrows on the right - if you rest your mouse on them the pages will slowly scroll down at a comfortably reading pace.

Clicking on the arrows may take you to the bottom of the page where the tour navigation buttons are - unless you are using one of microsoft's browsers (IE) which behave inconsistently.
or see the bits that make the whole ........

The latest addition: A Season in the Garden

Frequently Asked Questions:-

We've had many questions about the construction over the years since this website started - our faq section details the main questions with our responses.

Links to related sites:-

The very lovely Charmaine Taylor's site www.dirtcheapbuilder.com contains a wealth of building resources. Not specifically earth but there is a section on Adobe and Rammed Earth.
Steve Davis' rammed earth house with lots of links to pictures of other earthen buildings - and even some pictures of finished earth floors! One of the few Australian sites.
There is an Adobe discussion group moderated by Quentin Wilson which is not about rammed earth but shares the common construction material. Quentin has a lot of experience working with earth.
Communications for a Sustainable Future operates several discussion groups, in particular Earth friendly and Self-Sufficient Architecture.
There are several Building-with-Earth-related sites hanging off this web ring.

What we are doing in such a wonderful space:-

  • Middle Path Health Awareness The world is changing - at an accelerating pace - and we all need to constantly reassess our priorities if we are to happily meet the new dawn with hope in our hearts. Trijntje operates her Natural therapies clinic.
  • CyberSayer - Software for your Soul - software that listens and offers support, guidance and clarity for you, your life and the issues you need to deal with.

Want to get in touch?

here's a form for that very purpose.......

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