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A lovely bunch of flowers brightened things up
flowers brightened things up

Moving In

And it came to pass......

Templewarming celebrations!

A lovely bunch of flowers brightened
the main room for over a week.

Getting ready

Although we felt utterly exhausted by the final months of building (well “final” is a relative term in this instance!) - we were persuaded that a temple-warming party was mandatory.

We started with a trip to the biggest supermarket we could find and bought the biggest load of food we had in many years. We had been living in a railway carriage for nearly 7½ years all told!

Our first trip to the supermarket for the party
the supermarket trip for the party

The dining table sees the light
The dining table sees the light of day

Setting the space

Everything was getting ready - even the table put on it's brightest display for a long while - it, too, had spent 7 years in the open under tarps etc.

It was a marvelous start to the proceedings to see our many years of creating come together for the first time.

Some final touches

Some early arrivals for the celebrations were pressed into immediate service - the windows are receiving their initial cleaning after years of wearing dust.

cleaning the windows for the event
cleaning the windows for the event

the kids
the kids

Where was the camera?

The party went from mid-day to midnight and beyond - although no-one seems to have found a camera, here is one of the few existing photos.

Our children are overjoyed at finding they can come and visit and stay in a real house at last, with hot and cold running water even.

The kitchen caters capaciously

The kitchen in the final hours of it's initial road testing - it came through with flying colours and was the place to be for most of the night.

Especially when Trev's triffic trifle emerged from the fridge.

the kitchen towards the end
the kitchen towards the end

Charm the Wonderdog at her post, fearlessly guarding against intruders
Charm the Wonderdog at her post,
fearlessly guarding against intruders

What a night!

Charm the Wonderdog at her post, fearlessly guarding against intruders and keeping an alert and watchful eye on proceedings the morning after the temple-warming.

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