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ebooks which can make your life Healthier and Happier - Naturally
Health and vitality can be easy and simple - if you know how.
Whether you are looking for Vibrant Good Health, more Energy and Endurance, Inner Peace, Weight Loss or just simple, plain-english Natural Health Maintenance and Guidance, our ebooks provide what you need.
Our Natural Health Education HealthEbooks are comprehensive, simple and easy-to-use, written in plain english.
They describe, in detail, natural ways to care for yourself and your health using natural, straightforward and inexpensive methods.
These are available via our webshop as:
All ebooks have been revised, expanded and updated
We have spent two months revising our e-books and they are now totally up-to-date with latest information. We are really happy with them all and hope you will be too. |
About our ebooks
Middle Path's Natural Health Education ebooks have several unique features which make them stand out from the crowd:
- they are lavishly illustrated with colourful images which help illustrate the points and information being presented.
- they are fully indexed and bookmarked which means you can go straight to the piece of information you want at any particular moment - you do not have to wade through pages of text to find what you are looking for.
- they provide a COMPLETE approach (some might call it wholistic) to creating positive change in your life based on a lifetime of clinically-proven methods tried, tested and proven in the field!
See the anatomy of our ebooks page for more details on what you get with one of our ebooks.
The information in these ebooks has been condensed from many years of experience and research into using natural methods and practices in our Natural Health Care Clinic
Natural Health Education ebooks available:
Conscious Coupling ebook
An ebook about passion and relationship - with yourself as well as your partner. Learn to generate heaps of potent, creative life-force energy and feel more turned-on about everything you value in your life.
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1.2MB PDF file for AU$20.00 ready for immediate download
Journey to Slimness ebook
Our ebook with simple, safe and Natural guidance to motivate yourself to Manage your Weight, maintain your ideal size without drugs or side-effects.
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511KB PDF file for AU$20.00 ready for immediate download
Meditation and Beyond ebook
Simple plain-english, safe and Natural guidance in an ebook to teach you to meditate in a way that suits you and your lifestyle.
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721KB PDF file for AU$20.00 ready for immediate download
Natural Cancer Treatment ebook
You have a wonderful healing system within you which - with a little support from you - can restore your health and wholeness by simply getting rid of the causes of your disease. But you need to know what you can do and how you can do it simply, safely and naturally - that is exactly what this ebook shows you: how to eliminate cancer safely and naturally.
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3.79MB PDF file for AU$20.00 ready for immediate download
Natural Skin Care ebook
An instantly downloadable Natural Bath & Beauty Treatments for Glowing Skin PDF ebook on Safe and Toxin-free Treatments for Natural Body and Skin Beauty that will make you feel like a million dollars.
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563KB PDF file for AU$20.00 ready for immediate download
Natural Stress Treatments ebook
Overloaded? Not Coping? Feeling Inadequate? These are common symptoms of Depression, Anxiety, Stress; they lead to Worry which is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but it doesnt get you anywhere - this ebook is packed with practical, simple and effective ways you can banish your blues.
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2.62MB PDF file for AU$20.00 ready for immediate download
Naturopathic Guide to Living ebook
An ebook detailing Natural methods to prevent disease using nutrition and diet based on inexpensive, commonly available foods and ingredients.
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405KB PDF file for AU$20.00 ready for immediate download
Secrets to Living a Quality Life ebook
Eliminate fatigue and many other modern lifestyle challenges using natural, ancient and contemporary information to nurture yourself, your body and your life efficiently and effectively.
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500KB PDF file for AU$20.00 ready for immediate download
Smoothie Recipes ebook
Making Naturally Nutritious Meals on the Go - a Natural Recipe book of Luscious Liquid Lightning Lunches, 189 Recipes and Ideas for delicious, time-saving, energy-giving smoothies.
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499KB PDF file for AU$20.00 ready for immediate download
Stress - an Overview ebook
Our plain-english overview on stress with plenty of common sense to help you get a handle on the beast. Causes, symptoms, self assessment questions - this will give you the laymans lowdown on how to figure out if you have it - and what its doing to you - and what you can do about it.
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398KB PDF file for AU$20.00 ready for immediate download
The Miraculous Lemon ebook
The Lemon is a miracle of nature and has been used for millenia to treat a vast range of conditions - an ebook detailing traditional, natural uses of the Lemon with recipes.
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498KB PDF file for AU$20.00 ready for immediate download
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middlepath.com.au> Middle Path> Natural Health Education> ebooks overview