Fast Superfood Smoothie
Recipes for Energy ebookMaking Naturally Nutritious Meals on the Go
aka Brilliant Breakfasts & Luscious Liquid Lightning Lunches.
An instantly downloadable PDF ebook
185 recipes which you can print
These Natural Liquid Health Meals - most people call them Smoothies - have Superfoods added to them and are extremely rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, so they can replace your expensive processed vitamin and mineral supplements. |

They are fast and easy to prepare - a chopping board, knife and blender are all that is required, many can even be made by hand with an egg-beater.
No cooking or heating is required and simple rinsing are generally all the clean-up that is needed - for many of the recipes you won't even need to use any detergent to clean the glasses.
Natural Nourishing Fast Food - 189 bases for making thousands of smoothies
Our Fast Superfood Smoothie Recipes for Endless Energy ebook contains 185 smoothie recipes, a detailed outline of an ideal diet and information about the laws of nature.
All of this has been put together in a PDF format which can be downloaded instantly.
As an added bonus, the pages are printable so you can make a copy of favourite recipes for the kitchen bench.
There are many choices and variations of smoothies, combinations can be changed to suit your taste preferences and what is seasonally available wherever you live.
Fast Superfood Smoothie Recipes for Endless Energy has a section giving you guidance on how you can adapt these recipes to suit your nutritional needs, taste preferences and shopping patterns.
You can easily create a liquid meal replacement once a day, rich in the nutrients you require to live an optimum life.
You may prefer drinking the superfood smoothies in the morning as they do energize you immensely and if taken at night may keep you awake. |
The main thing is to have fun experimenting with these smoothies, get your family and friends involved and stay well.
To Your Very Good Health,
Trijntje Reilly
middlepath.com.au> Middle Path> Natural Health Education> Fast Superfood Smoothie Recipes for Endless Energy ebook