How to Achieve
Spiritual Connection

We are ALL ONE and connected
I want to share with you
how I got back to Source

An ebook of practical details and guidance on all the things that I have done to bring me back home to Source

The key to turning things around lies in taking even one single, first step.

You can make yours right now


Getting back to the Source

  Achieve Spiritual Connection Ebook 1.84MB PDF file AUD$20.00 Quantity: add to cart

I wrote How to Achieve Spiritual Connection e-book for me as a reminder on how to get back to Source.

As we are ALL ONE and connected I wanted to share it with you too.

I got up in the middle of the night and wanted to re-establish my Spiritual Connection and wrote all the things that I had done previously to achieve that and from that formed this e-book which has brought me back home to Source.

Deep within you there is a Sanctuary where you can find peace and calm free from emotional disturbance. We all have one and it is our ability to visit this space as we need, which gives us the skill to achieve peace in our life.

a Dove - a universal symbol of connection with Source

Most people in the world are unconnected Spiritually, they are distracted by everyday living, the desire for success and money is much more important than putting any time aside to be still or smell the roses. Unfortunately this eventually leads to an empty existence void of love, peace and harmony.

Many years ago I felt like I was at one with everything I shone with love, appreciation and gratitude and then for some time got distracted with life and this shining love and peace vanished, even though I had everything a fulfilling work helping others, a magnificent environmentally friendly home on five acres with a wildlife sanctuary and water all around it. A loving husband who encouraged me with personal growth, family and friends, yet there was a part of me that was not fulfilled.

When I tracked back to find this part of me again that had been missing I had a deep desire share the essential steps and information that brought me back to my Spiritual Connection with you.

These steps and information will not interfere with your own personal Spiritual beliefs they will only enhance them.

We have a choice to neglect Spiritual Connection or to nurture it and live in the flow and experience peace amidst chaos.

We have two energies we can call on Evolution or Stagnation, it is just a choice. Stagnation is when we procrastinate and do not do anything and Evolution is when we make a choice and move forward towards our Spiritual Connection.

The key to turning things around lies in taking even one single, first step.

Download your Guide to Achieving Spiritual Connection
  Achieve Spiritual Connection Ebook 1.84MB PDF file AUD$20.00 Quantity: add to cart

You can make yours right now.

Evolution or stagnation - the choice is yours

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