Natural Health Education for Weight Loss
Journey to Slimness
CD, ebook & audiobook formats
Being overweight getting you down?
Motivate yourself to Manage your Weight Naturally to lose Weight and Slim.
Lose weight and learn to maintain your ideal size naturally using this comprehensive, effective, easy-to-use guidance without drugs or side-effects.
- Unsightly love handles, spare tyre, saggy arms, muffin top, excess fat, cellulite, making you feel embarrassed?
- Feel like you are in a bad dream that you can't get out of?
- Tried many diets and still lack the discipline to make a permanent change?
relaxation track
You may just be a walking Fat time bomb ready to explode any minute with a nasty health issue, like a stroke, heart attack, cancer, diabetes, the list goes on, or YOU may just be feeling so lethargic that you can't get around easily.
Sounds bad and negative? Well it is and ugly too; obesity is like a cancer where the fat cells are out of control.
The reality is YOUR health is YOUR greatest asset you cannot do anything in life that is really POSITIVE without it.
So make a change right NOW don't wait any longer get our professional help and commit to your Journey to Slimness.
This Journey to Slimness CD has been designed as a complete tool for Body, Mind and Spirit, based on over 28 years of clinical experience, it details a high-nutrition diet, herbal suggestions and loads of information to make weight loss easy.
You WILL achieve
- improved health
- weight reduction
- energy increases
- the motivation needed to manage your weight
You will NOT
Based on many years of Naturopathic clinical practice and research, Journey to Slimness contains all the information you need.
Changing Your Headspace - creating subconscious motivation to slim |
The Missing Link |
The Missing Link to Success: attitude
The Missing Link which WILL make all the difference by working on your subconscious mind helping you release old patterns so that you can lose weight, is the last track on the audio CD and downloadable MP3.
It WILL change your subconscious mind when you listen to it daily in just 30 days which will change your attitude towards yourself and give you the discipline and motivation you need to lose weight and remain healthy and slim.
Lose weight and learn to maintain your ideal size naturally using this comprehensive, effective, easy-to-use regime without drugs or side-effects.
Health care topics included in Journey to Slimness:
- Training for motivation.
- Why you crave sweets.
- Why movement is a must.
- Understanding food craving.
- Foods which break down fat.
- BMI (Body Mass Index) monitoring.
- Make the most of your metabolism.
- Fat-busting herbs that work wonders.
- How your emotions affect your weight.
- How to prevent sagging skin when slimming.
- “Letting go” technique for your mind, emotions and body.
relaxation track
Having successfully treated many individuals and families for weight control over the years I felt weight gain was becoming pandemic as obesity mushrooms in our society.
Many overweight conditions have their roots in the mind - attitudes, fears, beliefs and phobias can all contribute to weight-gain which will not respond to diet alone. Weight gain is not a difficult thing to deal with, however there are some basic treatments which are common to every overweight condition.
I have condensed what I have learnt, over many years, balancing the body, mind and spirit to achieve a healthy result. I found this information was the missing link that helped so many of my clients change their lives permanently and positively.
This CD takes the whole person into consideration, a wholistic approach, and encourages healthy attitudes, emotions and beliefs.
Many of my clients have achieved slimness and have also become energetic, overcome their depression and health problems using the information in Journey to Slimness.
CD contents.
- Introduction(02:33)
A welcome message and introduction to the CD and slimming.
- Instructions(1:54)
How to get the most out of your Journey to Slimness CD.
- Benefits(1:56)
Positive changes you will experience by slimming.
- Emotions (6:46)
How your emotions and moods can contribute to gaining weight and what you can do about this.
- Tips(6:56)
Guidance on what you can do, naturally, to lose weight effectively and become slim.
- Remedies (6:53)
Tried and true natural remedies that will help you become slim.
- Diet(12:24)
"You are what you eat" - an effective life time eating regime that will boost your health and make you slim.
- Exercise(5:03)
The importance of activity and what you need to create slimness.
- Relaxation - Guide(2:39)
An explanation on how relaxation and subconscious programming works and the effects it will have for you.
- Guided Relaxation(21:15)
The key to the CD - intended for daily use, this guided relaxation track helps to retrain your mind and will help you become relaxed and change your subconscious patterns which have previously prevented you from being slim.
middlepath.com.au> Middle Path> Natural Health Education> Journey to Slimness