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CDs for a Longer, Healthier and Happier Life - Naturally

If you are one of the growing millions of people who want to live a healthy, happy and drug-free life (that's prescription drug-free life) and want to do it now then you need to listen to one of our how-to-do-it CDs.

Each one is jam-packed with down-to-earth, plain english information on
  • benefits you can achieve using the material on the CD
  • emotional aspects which contribute to the condition the CD deals with
  • tips and tricks to get the most results with the least effort
  • natural remedies which can help you ease your way to a happier, healthier life - naturally
  • what things are good for you and why (in plain English)
  • where you can get the good stuff (eg superfoods) easily and inexpensively (where you can find them in a supermarket)
  • how you can add them to your diet without assaulting your taste-buds
  • exercise - what you can do to help spread the goodness throughout your body
  • a guided relaxation track to boost your motivation and commitment to living a healthy, happy life
Middle Path audio CDs at our webshop for AUD$30 incl shipping

Middle Path's Natural Health Education CDs are a convenient and inexpensive way of learning important facts and natural life-prolonging techniques to improve your health and maintain your wellbeing naturally.

They are an excellent way of educating yourself about just how easy it is to make your life energy-filled, vibrant and joyous using a natural diet, natural remedies and natural relaxation techniques.

During my many years researching the best ways to balance the body, mind, and spirit. I have found this information was by and large the missing link that made the difference between suffering and success.

Each Natural Health Education CD focusses on teaching the whole person, creating healthy life-supporting attitudes, emotions and beliefs.

Clients who have worked with this material have permanently overcome lack of energy, depression and numerous other health problems as well.

  overview CDs available  

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  more information about our:     CDs and what you can expect> Middle Path> Natural Health Education> Natural Health Education audio CDs
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