Why our CDs are worth your investment

what you can expect when you buy one of our CDs

These days your health and wellbeing are increasingly dependent on your ability to take care of yourself.

That can be a real challenge if you don't know what you are doing and that's why our ebooks are so valuable - they can save you thousands of dollars, in some cases maybe your life itself!.

Our CDs are

Natural Health Education CDks - available at our webshop from AUD$30 (incl Post and packaging)

certificate we have been granted
some of our degrees and certificates

Professional: we are trained, qualified and experienced Health Professionals.

We have a combined experience of over 50 years in natural medicine and therapies and we do know what we are talking about.

The foundation of our CDs is practical experience, professional research and clinical verification or investigation of the material.

You could accurately say it is evidence-based medicine and nutrition.

There is a lot of material we have looked at, tried out and discarded - often with a rueful smile and a never again! conclusion. We do not include such stuff except, occasionally, as a warning in the nature of “we tried this and it is not something we would recommend”.

Comprehensive: we include all the material we deem relevant

weighing it upOur main agenda when creating our CDss is to ensure all useful and pertinent information is included in an easy-to-understand way. We believe everyone is unique and have done our best not to prejudge the interest, condition or ability of any of our listenerss.

We are also committed to providing useful and useable material.

In other words, we have used these criteria to decide what we include:-

  • is it useful? - will it help you care for yourself better?
  • is it usable? - is it practical; can it be incorporated into a lifestyle without major expense, effort, learning or investment?
  • is it valid? - have we witnessed practical evidence of it achieving what we say it will?
  • is it applicable? - does it have a direct bearing on the topic of the CD?
  • is it natural? - does it work in harmony with Nature?

Concentrated: we don't include irrelevant stuff.

compressing knowledge into compact discs

We don't have a lot of spare time to waffle on or pad these CDs out or bulk them up.

What is in them is all the material which passed our selection criteria and not much else at all.

You don't need to wade through a bunch of (largely) irrelevant waffle to find the meat of the matter - its starts right in the first section and finishes at the end of the last section.

Simple: plain english, common sense, easily understood
to help you cut through the maze of options and choices.

our CDs help you cut through complexities

We do understand that not everyone has a comprehensive knowledge of natural health - most people have had very little exposure to some of the fundamental insights about what affects health.

If we are, for instance, referring to a plant, we use it's common name rather than the botanical latin nomenclature so that our listeners can relate to the information.

If we are recommending a dietary supplement - it will generally be something you can buy at a supermarket or health food store rather than a product you need to spend time and effort tracking down.

If we are recommending an activity it will be something you can do without expensive equipment.

In other words what we present is material you can use without having to invest more time and effort before you can start getting the benefits.

easy to use CDs

Easy-to-use: they are designed to be works of reference not just a fascinating one-off listen

The reason is that they are essentially reference works for people, like you, who want to feel better, do it naturally and do it themselves.

Sure, they are usually fascinating listening, they are also designed to be a lasting source of invaluable information.

And of course they are perfect for your CD player, walkman, computer, boom box or whatever device you use to play your CDs.

Practical Nature-based: you are a natural human being - nature does know what's best for you

natural foodstuffs - nutritional and no side-effects

Much of the information we include has been being used throughout recorded history - its one of the criteria we respect a lot.

After all if a technique or a herb has been in use for thousands of years it really is something that gets the job done.

And that is what is a fundamental requirement for the material we present - its been tried, tested and found effective by many people - ourselves and our clients included.

And that means it needs to be something that doesn't rely on the latest technology or “scientific breakthrough” which often have unpleasant side-effects or consequences.

Our stuff works, works well, surely and safely (if you follow the instructions and don't overdo it of course).


a little expense now - saves you a lot of money later

Last but not least for most of us - the money factor.

We've seen CDs for $1 in our travels, when we've succumbed to the temptation we invariably find that it was a fair price for what we got.

The information in our ebooks can save you thousands of dollars in a variety of ways - medical expenses, debilitating operations, wasted time and effort, sojourns at expensive “health resorts”, cupboards full of high-price supplements, periods of illness and sickness - not to mention peace of mind.

For us it is most often apparent when clients exclaim that they have learnt more in one day at Middle Path - through conversation and listening to one of our CDs than they have in a month at an expensive health resort.

And each of our CDs contain a lot more material than you would be likely to glean in just a few hours at Middle Path.

CDs available:

Journey to Slimness CD

Simple, safe and Natural guidance on an audio CD to motivate yourself to Manage your Weight, maintain your ideal size without drugs or side-effects.   read more .....

1 CD for AU$30.00 postage extra


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Meditation and Beyond CD

Simple, safe and easy to understand guidance on an audio CD to teach you to meditate in a way that suits you and your lifestyle.   read more .....

1 CD for AU$30.00 postage extra


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Secrets to Living a Quality Life CD

Simple, safe and Natural guidance on an audio CD to motivate you to achieve an optimum Quality in your life.   read more .....

1 CD for AU$30.00 postage extra


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