Medicine Walk at Middle Path
An enjoyable and informative introduction to many of the medicinal,
edible and survival food plants at Middle Path and their use.
Next Medicine Walk is on Saturday March 1, 2025   13 places available.
make a booking Subsequent walks: Apr 5th (18 pl.), May 3rd (20 pl.) & Jun 7th (20 pl.)
ContamiShield     This Medicine Walk will also promote our ContamiShield remedy    
a potent herbal formulation to boost your body’s natural defences and
maximise your protection against contamination by today’s biomenaces.

Discovering the Delights of Dock - photo courtesy Rachel Rose

We have been making herbal medicine at Middle Path since 1993 and are keen to share the knowledge and experience we have built up.

We do this with our Medicine Walks, aka Weed Walks, which introduce you to the plants we use and their medicinal and nutritional benefits.

The walk itself can take up to 2 hours after which we share a meal where the plants we have introduced to you will be used to create a highly nutritious and delicious salad so that you can experience just how easy and rewarding it is to add these wonderful plants to your diet.

That doesnt taste like medicine Mum - its Yum

The Medicine Walk starts 11:00am am, allow about 4 hours and you will need:

  • walking shoes or boots which can handle the occasional muddy patch
  • outdoor wear - including a hat if its sunny (we are on the “Sunshine” Coast)
  • food to share after the walk
  • we charge $AUD15.00 for the seminar
  • You will need to let us know you are coming by filling in the form below.

Sharing food after the walk

Where are we?

Run your mouse over the  Where we are  item on the left-hand menu or use Google maps.

Coming Medicine Walks

    Saturday March 1, 2025

Middle Path Medicine Walk Booking form
Your Name:   first name
last name
Your email address:
phone number:

Which Walk do
you want to
book in for:
Walks with spaces available:
Number attending:     adults:     under-16s
Where I heard about
your Medicine Walk:
Medicine Walk Cost: $AUD15.00 per adult, no charge for under-16s
Would you like an email copy of this booking:?   Yes       No
Any details or concerns you want us to be aware of:
Please note: if rain is likely we will cancel the walk so ....
please check the website before heading off> Middle Path> Workshops, Seminars, Talks> Medicine Walk at Middle Path
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