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A Potent, Professional Grade,
Natural, Organic Herbal Formulation

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Specifically developed to protect you against all modern biothreats

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It is now 1874 days that we have had our lives continually disrupted with the fear of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Not a day has gone in that time that this has been the leading headline in mainstream media and yet facts are hard to find and the truth seems to have become an early casualty.

Since people have been injected with what are commonly called "vaccines" but which are acknowledged as experimental gene therapy[1][2] a new threat has arisen which, to date, has yet to be fully understood but which appears to involve transmission of some unknown infectious agent from the jab recipients to non-recipients who share the same physical space.

The long-term consequences of getting a jab[3] are unknown as no trials have been conducted unless the widespread injecting of the entire population can be considered a "trial". The only protection you have against transmission from a “vaccinated” individual is your own native bodily defences which nature has provided.

We have developed a new herbal formulation, ContamiShield, which naturally strengthens the human immune system as well as containing several ingredients, such as suramin[4], quercetin[5] and Wormwood[6] - the herb Ivermectin is based on, which act as front-line defense agents in their own right.

In these uncertain times, where even technology threatens your wellbeing, you can use all the natural help available and ContamiShield brings the best the plant kingdom offers.


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  ContamiShield 50ml   50ml for AUD$50.00 postage extra   Quantity: add to cart
  ContamiShield 10@50ml   10@50ml for AUD$400.00 postage extra   Quantity: add to cart

  ContamiShield how it works for you  

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  you may also appreciate our   Bug Buster Remedy> Middle Path> remedies> ContamiShield - natural protection against biothreats.


 [#]SourceTitle and link to resource if available
[1]  Survive the NewsCOVID-19 Vaccination: Experimental Gene Therapy Under the Guise of Immunity?
[2]  World Watch DailyThe So-Called COVID-19 “Vaccine” Is Really A Dangerous Experimental Gene Therapy Just Say “No!” - Steve Hotze, M.D.
[3]  Trial Site NewsShould you get vaccinated?
[4]  rubyraymedia.comPossible Antidote for the V-Serum and the Current Spike Protein Contagion
[5]  clinicaltrials.govEffect of Quercetin on Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19
[6]  MyNaturalTreatment.com6 Natural Alternatives to Ivermectin
[7]  WikipediaAnticoagulant
[8]  WikipediaContamination
[9]  WikipediaInfection
[10]  Superfoods NewsHere’s why you should eat alfalfa microgreens, the “King of all Foods”
[11]  PubMed.govHesperidin and SARS-CoV-2
[12]  A Green Road JournalNatural Alternatives to Ivermectin
[13]  Natural NewsIs pine needle tea the answer to covid vaccine shedding / transmission?
[14]  Holistic GearSuramin the Covid Vaccine Antidote
[15]  SGT ReportDandelion leaf extract blocks spike proteins from binding to the ACE2 cell surface receptor
[16]  PubMed.govRole of Vitamin A in the Immune System
[17]  Mayo ClinicVitamin C
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