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Golden Rod overview

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Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) in Full Bloom
showing one reason it gets the name Herb of Joy

aka Goldruth, Wound Wort
Solidago vigaurea / Solidago virgaurea



Golden Rod is a bundle of golden joy. The flowers reflect exactly what it does for a clients disposition.

When life feels glum and negative or a client has been under a lot of emotional stress or had an emotional shock, it is one of the first remedies I suggest as it lifts the spirits quickly.

Golden Rod has so many benefits to correct ailments and the function of organs that a bonus of taking it is that the whole system becomes healthy.

Golden Rod [1] comes from Europe including England Central Asia. North America and now in Australia. There are over eighty different species, but this species is the only one native to England.

The part used is the leaves (aerial parts) which make a delicious herbal tea fresh or dried.

We make up a delicious tea by using the dried leaves of Golden Rod and adding some dried Allspice. It tastes just like a rich Chai tea and makes for a wonderful combination tea.

The leaves are alternate, clear green and has terminal panicles of golden yellow flowers which are both ray and disk. The flowers can be used as a dye.

This magnificent herb stands over 2 metres tall at Middle Path and brightens the space with its brilliant golden yellow flowers in Autumn.

Propagation is by seed or division of the roots which form as spreading rhizomes. Golden Rod loves full sun and is much better planted in an area that it can spread its wings as it can become temporarily invasive but very easy to pull out.

Golden Rod is an excellent food plant for the larvae of various Lepidoptera species. The invading larvae sometimes induce the plant to form a bulbous tissue mass (called a gall) around it, upon which the larva then feeds.

The rich and vibrant golden glow from the flowers
will cheer any space up


An abundant amount of nectar is produced from Golden Rod so this wonderful herb would be excellent near a bee hive as it makes a dark and strong, nutritious honey.

Golden Rod in some places is highly respected and is held as a sign of good luck or good fortune and yet are considered as weeds by others. There is a saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Golden Rods are mostly short-day plants and bloom in late summer and early autumn and some species produce abundant nectar when moisture is plentiful before bloom, and the bloom period is relatively warm and sunny. Honey from goldenrods often is dark and strong due to admixtures of other nectars. However when there is a strong honey flow, a light (often water white), spicy-tasting honey is produced. While the bees are ripening the honey there is a rank odour and taste, but finished honey is much milder.

The flowers are such a bright golden yellow that it is a joy to have them around and as a cut flower they last well over a week. This is not the only reason that Golden Rod is called the herb of joy.

Well known for its calming effect Golden Rod is used for treating depression and the nervous system and gives you a feeling of wellbeing and joy.

The profound healing, soothing, calming effects of Golden Rod especially on the kidneys which work off all our emotions, saves the kidneys from being battered after severe emotional stress of any kind.

Golden Rod is certainly the herb of joy and can bring you much comfort.

The generic name comes from the word solidare, for the plant is known as a vulnerary, or one that "makes whole". When the leaves are bruised they smell like wild carrot.

  Golden Rod Tincture 50ml   50ml for AUD$50.00 postage extra   Quantity: add to cart

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  you may also appreciate our   Natural Treatment of Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Worry ebook> Middle Path> Plants> Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) the Herb of Joy


 [#]SourceTitle and link to resource if available
[1]  WikipediaGoldenrod
[2]  The Australian Naturopathic NetworkSolidago virgaurea
[3]  Susun WeedGlorious Goldenrod
[4]  Gardens Ablaze Medicinal Uses of Goldenrod
[5]  M. S. Hershey Medical CenterGoldenrod
[6]  Mrs. Grieves A Modern HerbalGolden Rod
[7]  University of Maryland Medical CentreGoldenrod
[8]  Jim Duke’s Farmacy - USDAPhytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases
[9]  Natalie PastorGoldenrod
[10]  Herbs2000Goldenrod
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