Rebirthing, Breath work & Emotional Release Therapy
Breathwork - freedom from the past
Rebirthing is a powerful Breath Therapy technique which achieves Awareness, Release and Peace. This technique is widely known as rebirthing, breath release work or breath therapy.
Many cases of disease have their roots in emotional trauma or mental attitudes which increase levels of stress and tension in life as well as handicapping or even destroying people's coping mechanisms.
These threats to your wellbeing will, in time, create conditions within the body which foster dis-ease and dysfunction paving the way for damaging and even life-threatening conditions to arise.
Rebirthing is a very effective technique for promoting awareness of the issues causing the condition. At the same time, it will provide an invaluable opportunity to re-define your feelings or attitudes about those issues or memories. |
Changing your attitude to the events or situation which contribute to your condition inevitably encourage a deep and wholistic healing which will positively benefit every aspect of your life.
I was recently privileged to support Barbara Brewster through a rebirthing experience which Barbara has been very generous in sharing her experience. You can see her description of what arose for her in this short video .
We provide education, guidance and support with your first rebirthing sessions. Once you have dealt with your major issues or blockages, you will be able to use this technique whenever the need arises.
It is an extraordinarily potent preventative measure which you can use to avoid taking on emotional baggage from other sources - as the situations are arising.
We will support you throughout your first sessions, in a very safe and caring environment which is crucially important for you to achieve the most from your rebirthing.
Our many years of experience and training provide you with caring and loving support whether privately or in a group situation. You will be guided through your release intuitively and without risking any additional trauma. |
The process you will learn is one that will allow you to transform your life positively, through awareness.
A series of rebirthing sessions may be recommended, how many depends on how committed you are to release your issues.
It is vital that we develop trust together, this will accelerate your growth and increase the benefit you get from your rebirthing sessions.
After Rebirthing - a new life
When you complete a session, it will help your process by discussing your experience and whatever insights you gained.
At your first rebirthing session you will be asked about your birth, your early family relationships, and what your intent or desired outcome is. I will explain what may happen, to give you an understanding of the Rebirthing Process.
We are situated just outside Maleny in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland - just an hour's drive north of Brisbane. Its a beautiful place to spend a day revitalising the rest of your life.
My charges for this work are AUD$120 per hour - an appointment is essential. Sessions can last anywhere between 1 hour and 3 hours, usually they get shorter as you progress. Make an enquiry here or an appointment here.
Our other option
We are aware that when finances are tight and emotions are uptight, it can be a challenge for some to find the motivation and wherewithal to make a booking. So we offer an economical and encouraging option - our group Rebirthing days where we work with 10 individuals together. These often prove to be a more potent or powerful option as the emotional release aspects are stimulated and reinforced
by others sharing the experience.
These are typically on a Sunday, starting at 9:00am; we encourage people to bring a lunch to share and to skip breakfast or have a very light breakfast - fruit is ideal. We charge $75 for the day.
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