Middle Path Natural Health Care Clinic Services
Our Natural Health Care Services include:
- One Day Detox - we no longer offer this service at Middle Path and recommend epsom salt flushes as a diy alternative.
- Wholistic Naturopathy, the root of all medical sciences, Naturopathy includes Herbal Medicine, Nutrition for your body, mind and spirit. I am different from many of my colleagues in that I assess the wholistic cause of your condition and take into consideration physical, emotional, mental and spiritual influences.
- Medical Intuition as a Medical Intuit, Trijntje has the gift of accurate intuitive diagnosis and frequently can perceive problems before they are detectable via conventional means. This is a non-invasive, instantaneous diagnostic feedback included in your Natural Health Care consultation requiring no preparation on your part and which can save you a lot of expense, discomfort and heartache down the track.
I enjoy a happy open-hearted approach to my work with clients
- Colonic Irrigation we no longer offer this service at Middle Path and recommend epsom salt flushes as a diy alternative.
- Clinical Hypnosis if you are having a challenge letting go of an addiction, need motivation, more self esteem, let go of fears or phobias, want weight-loss or just plain want change of any nature - clinical hypnosis will work for you.
- Rebirthing is a powerful and effective way to free yourself of emotional and mental residues which have been sabotaging and undermining your health and wellbeing..
- Iris interpretation and diagnosis is an accurate and effective diagnostic tool for your whole being - used in conjunction with my Intuitive gifts, iridology produces powerful insights into the true causes of the health challenges confronting you.
Our Natural Health Care Clinic is open between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. We do not work on weekends and major holidays, however your health is important to us and we are usually able to work around these constraints if you need our support and are unable to come during those hours.
To get to Middle Path drive north from Brisbane (in South East Queensland) to Maleny in the hinterland of the Sunshine Coast - its just over an hour's drive - here is a map you can print.
What Our Clients Say::
Read what other clients have experienced following treatments or consultations at Middle Path on our testimonials page. The common comments I get following a colonic irrigation treatment are listed on my colonic irrigation clients feedback page. If you are curious about the process or colonics then our answers to frequently asked questions page will interest you.
I have been a registered member (# 15901)of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society , Australia's largest professional association of complementary medicine practitioners, for over 20 years now. This year I was invited to accept Fellowship of the Society and I am now a Fellow of the ATMS - a FATMS which may not be the most compimentary set of initials to append to one's name.
This honour is conferred by the Society upon members who display outstanding excellence in their field and exemplary dedication and devotion to their clients' well-being.
Substantial Fee Reduction
Most Natural Healthcare services we provide were removed from Health Fund coverage on April 1st, 2019[1].
This created another impediment to accessing effective, side-effect-free, Natural Healthcare.
We have substantially reduced our service fees across the board so that Natural Health Care remains affordable in Australia.
You can download several basic Health Care guides from these pages:
We base our work on the knowledge that Nature provides all we need to live a healthy life without side-effects.
The foundation for our work is “the Way Nature Intended”
We base our work on the knowledge that Nature provides all we need to live a healthy life without side-effects.
Increasingly we find our clients suffering from the side-effects of their lifestyle.
Many complain of a subtle but sustained deterioration of their enjoyment of life itself, often accompanied by increased stress levels.
Symptoms such as lethargy, depression, lack of motivation, disinterest, sluggishness, fatigue, belly-bloat and confusion appear to be causing wide-spread destruction of quality-of-life. These conditions, if unaltered, lead inevitably to life threatening diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
We are keenly focused on reversing this trend through natural means and encouraging individual choices. We have observed time and time again that natural remedies and treatments can restore vitality and vigour which can be sustained through simple but effective personal choices in daily regimes and diet.
Possibly the greatest advantage of natural remedies is that ourclients find they regain control over their lives - they can choose to change their experience using familiar and recognisable materials and everyday choices.
The surroundings are peaceful and quiet and clients are welcome to reflect on their life in this supportive environment. We find many appreciate the opportunity to reflect on their health and life after a treatment and before returning to the demands of "modern living".
Treatments available include:-
Natural medicines - one of our great joys
You can reach Middle Path easily from Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast. Here are
driving directions with a printable map.
We spent over 3 years building the clinic (and attached home and scullery where we dry our herbs to make our natural medicines)
Our approach is wholistic and we firmly believe that healing takes place when balance is achieved in body, mind and spirit.
For a list of disorders, complaints, diseases and conditions we have successfully treated with natural methods see below.
Middle Path Clinic is open Monday to Friday and appointments, between 9am and 5pm, can be made via our appointment request form or by phone.
Trijntje Reilly N.D.
07 5499 9060
Middle Path Health and Awareness,
12 Lawrence Place, Maleny,
Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia
Too far away? Too Busy to visit?
If you can't visit our clinic easily, we also offer Online Consultations through this website to make Natural Health Care expertise available to you wherever you are.
Conditions we have successfully treated using natural methods:-
Since 1982, when we commenced clinical practice, we have successfully treated each and every one of these conditions with natural methods.
Frequently the individuals reported that they had been suffering for lengthy periods and had not achieved relief previously, despite diverse treatments with drugs, surgery or processed (manufactured or synthetic) supplements.
- Addiction
- Allergy
- Anaemia
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Back Pain
- Bleeding excessively
- Bloating
- Blood Pressure (low & high)
- Breast Cancer
- Broken Bones
- Candida
- Cancer - many forms
(unfortunately we understand it has been made illegal in Australia to state specifically which ones unless one has “medical” qualifications)
- Chronic Fatigue
- Colic
- Colitis
- Constipation
- Cramps
- Depression
- Dermatitis
- Diverticulitis
- Eczema
- Excess Mucus
- Exhaustion
- Eyesite improvement
- Fertility Problems
- Fever
- Fibroid
- Fluid Retention
- Frigidity
- Gall Bladder Problems
- Gall Stones
- Glandular Fever
- Headaches
- Heart Disease
- Heart Palpitations
- Heartburn
- Hepatitis
- Hot Flushes
- Hyperactive
- Hyperactivity
- Hysterectomy complications
- Impotence
- Indigestion
- Insomnia
- Joint Pain
- Kidney Disease
- Kidney Stones
- Lack of concentration
- Lack of Energy
- Lethargy
- Libido
- Liver Problems
- Loss of Sex Drive
- Memory Loss
- Menopause
- Menstruation
- Menstrual problems
- Migraine
- Obesity
- Ovarian Cysts
- Overactive Mind
- Period (Slight and Heavy)
- Pleurisy
- Pneumonia
- Polyps
- Rheumatism
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Stress
- Thyroid
- Tonsillitis
- Toxic Overload
- Tumour
- Ulcer
- Uterus Prolapse
- Weight Loss and Gain
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