Wildlife: birds

Birdlife at Middle Path

Some birds who, as yet, don't have a page of their own to call home.

Spangled Drongo
Dicrurus bracteatus

These birds are quite noisy emitting unusual metallic notes - like a stretched wire being plucked.

Their cries always catch our attention and curiosity until we identify their source.

Eastern Whipbird
Psopodes olivaceus

These shy birds always seem to scurry around the undergrowth in pairs emitting a loud, piercing duet. For some years we would only hear their characteristic calls and catch glimpses of furtive darting in the forest, however they eventually came closer and, although still camera-shy, we have managed to capture this image near our kitchen door.

As noted in the Australian Museum fact sheet "The long whip call, one of the most characteristic sounds of the Australian bush, is performed as a duet. The male makes the drawn out whip crack and the female usually follows quickly with a sharp 'choo-choo'".

unusual pose in a tree

Eastern Swamp Hen
Porphyrio porphyrio

Also known as the purple swamp hen this is probably the most numerous water bird at Middle Path. They frequently wander up from the lake to investigate food sources around our home.

They constantly entertain us with the mating rituals which seem to involves an avian triathlon on land, marsh and water where the females manage to stay just ahead of their suitors. Of course it may just be that "playing hard to get" battle of the sexes - bird style.

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middlepath.com.au> Middle Path> About Middle Path> wildlife: Spangled Drongo, Eastern Whipbird, Eastern Swamp Hen
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