Hypnotherapy Download Session to
Quit Smoking
harness the power of your subconscious mind to get what you want

Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy track
Easily say “no” to what you dont want
Before you can easily Quit Smoking you need to have a genuine DESIRE to stop smoking. Over the years I have seen people come for Hypnotherapy who still had the DESIRE to smoke and I needed to send them off for a week and really get them to think about what harm it was doing in their life.
I got them to visualize and think about what it was like for a non smoker to kiss them and the effect it has on a person's sex life due to the smell of cigarettes, the stench of nicotine that was continually around them, the stains on their teeth and fingers caused by the nicotine and if it is a man the stains on their moustache, smell in their hair and clothing and the smell of ashtrays around the home.
The cost of cigarettes are expensive and last but not least the nicotine monster that is continually on their back wanting more cigarettes to suppress emotions and effect their health and breathing.
Once the DESIRE to stop smoking is there it is easy to use Hypnotherapy to access the subconscious mind to make positive change.
Having the discipline to listen to the Hypnotherapy Quit Smoking Download Session for just 15 minutes every day for 30 days will have a dramatic impact in helping you to stop smoking.
Hypnotherapy is a fantastic subconscious motivator getting to the deep subconscious mind and transforming the way you are thinking about yourself and smoking.
Hypnotherapy shifts the way you think about yourself helping you let go of blocks, beliefs and issues that have been stopping you from giving up smoking.
best listened to with headphones to minimise distractions
Listening to the Hypnotherapy Quit Smoking Download Session for just 15 minutes per day will take you into a very deep relaxation which will increase your serotonin levels and make you much happier and healthier and able to cope with stress and life much better helping you to be able to cope with your emotions and not suppress them with smoking.
This powerful Hypnotherapy Quit Smoking Download Session needs to be listened to for 30 days. You will see the amazing effects and transformation taking place in your life.
The subconscious mind can be reprogrammed with positive suggestions making you feel uplifted and good about yourself, making it easy to stop smoking.
Right now is the time to Quit Smoking and feel energized, vital and healthy and breathe again easily.
Working with the subconscious mind deeply with Hypnosis is a powerful way to uplift your spirit and help you Quit Smoking.
Drinking 2 glasses of pure squeezed orange juice daily and keeping some sunflower seeds in your pocket to nibble on has helped many people to Quit Smoking. Sunflower seeds seems to help overcome the need to have a cigarette.
Be aware that pent up emotions like anger, sadness, rage may come up whilst you Quit Smoking this is normal as they have been pent up for a long time when being suppressed by smoking. Just acknowledge and express the emotions and let them go.
You can Quit Smoking and change your subconscious mind right now and download this Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Download Session instantly right NOW.
Take your next step to quit now |
a visualisation to help you get into the session sample - a beach by a lake by a rainforest
middlepath.com.au> Middle Path> Natural Health Education> Hypnotherapy download session for Quitting Smoking