Clear Lungs Remedy What it does for you  

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Clear Lungs remedy

A Potent, Professional Grade,
Natural Decongestant Formulation

  Clear Lungs Remedy 50ml  
50ml for AUD$50.00
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Improved Respiratory Health

If you are experiencing clogged sinuses or congestion in your respiratory tracts, Clear Lungs can help you cough that out and eliminate it from your system. Those phlegms and fluids can catch bacteria and other pathogens, thus, extending or worsening illnesses, but not when Clear Lungs is administered.

Clear Lungs has provided substantial relief for influenza, head colds, catarrh, bronchial complaints, asthma, emphysema , pneumonia, pleurisy, tuberculosis, sore throats, laryngitis, hay-fever and sinusitis.[1].

  Clear Lungs Remedy 50ml 50ml for AUD$50.00 postage extra Quantity: add to cart

  Clear Lungs Remedy What it does for you  

use the tabs to see more informationuse the tabs to see more information    You can see more information by clicking on the tabs below> Middle Path> remedies> Clear Lungs


 [#]SourceTitle and link to resource if available
[1]  Isabell ShipardHow Can I Use Herbs In My Daily Life?
[2]  Verywell HealthWhat Are Decongestants?
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