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Clear Lungs remedy
A Potent, Professional Grade, Natural Decongestant Formulation
Improved Respiratory Health
If you are experiencing clogged sinuses or congestion in your respiratory tracts, Clear Lungs can help you cough that out and eliminate it from your system. Those phlegms and fluids can catch bacteria and other pathogens, thus, extending or worsening illnesses, but not when Clear Lungs is administered.
Clear Lungs has provided substantial relief for influenza, head colds, catarrh, bronchial complaints, asthma, emphysema , pneumonia, pleurisy, tuberculosis, sore throats, laryngitis, hay-fever and sinusitis.[1].
Clear Lungs remedy
How it works for you
Concern |
How Clear Lungs Remedy can help you |
Helps to clear all congestion from the airways.
[2] |
A convenient source of easily-assimilated vitamins A and C as well as Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Selenium, Phosphorous and Zinc
Helps to clear nasal passages.
The references shown ([1]) may not discuss herbs specific to our Clear Lungs formulation, we include them so you can verify that the use of herbs to treat illness is a widely-accepted and time-honoured practice in line with current herbal medicine best practice.
People's experiences taking our ####################### Remedy (names have been changed) |
Dave a client of ours took our Baby Boomers Remedy as he was finding his memory was getting pretty bad. After six weeks he got in touch and commented that not only had his memory improved but he felt a lot more energetic and the Tinnitus he had for years had improved.
Loretta came into our clinic and I recommended our Baby Boomers Remedy because her eyesight was failing and she had no vitality at all. Loretta had a poor memory and really showed signs of aging. Loretta took the remedy religiously for 12 weeks and commented on how much better she felt. After 6 months her eyesight and memory was much better and her libido had sparked up. Loretta said she was now dancing again the first time in many years as her energy had greatly improved.
Shane had retired and had an Online Consultation with us he was suffering from general aches and pains and felt very lethargic. After 3 months on our Baby Boomers Remedy and health regime he said he had a new spring in his step, the aches were gone and he felt the best he had felt for many years. His motivation had returned and he was getting involved with life once more.
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