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Valerian - Valeriana officinalis overview

  Valerian Tincture 50ml  
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a Valerian plant

Valerian aka Common Valerian, Garden Heliotrope, Althea, Great Wild Valerian, Amantilla, Setwall, Phu, Setewale, Capon's Tail
Valeriana officinalis


The principle part used is the root.

Valerian [1] has a tranquilizing effect similar to Valium, a well known antidepressant drug, and is known to be very relaxing to the whole system without the side effects. It increases Serotonin levels, targets brain centres with a suppressing and balancing action to the autonomic nervous system.

Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Stress and Worry respond to Valerian and is one of our favourite herbs used for these ailments.

Valerian is a very strong, antianxiety and antidepression herb. Its active ingredients, miepotriates, bind to benzodiazepine receptor sites in the brain, a mechanism similar to the action of drugs such as Valium.

Valerian seems to be more beneficial to the nervous system than Valium, and it does not cause dependence or becoming tolerant to the herb or have side effects if taken as directed.

Valerian Flowers

Studies show that Valerian improves the quality of sleep and calms the whole system. It induces sleep as reliably as strong pharmaceutical drugs without causing side effects of a morning hangover.

Valerian is stronger-acting than Passionflower which is another one of our favourite herbs and is a herb that even if you have a headache will help you go to sleep.

  Valerian Tincture 50ml 50ml for AUD$50.00 postage extra Quantity: add to cart

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  you may also appreciate our   Natural Treatment of Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Worry ebook> Middle Path> Plants> Valerian - Valeriana officinalis


 [#]SourceTitle and link to resource if available
[1]  WikipediaValerian (herb)
[2]  UMMCValerian
[3]  Linda B White and Steven FosterThe Herbal Drugstore (ISBN 1-57954-532-7)
[4]  Penny C. RoyalHerbally Yours (ISBN 0-9609226-2-8)
[5]  Nicholas CulpepperCulpepper's Complete Herbal (ISBN 1 85422 332 1)
[6]  The Australian Naturopathic NetworkValeriana officinalis (Valerian)
[7]  National Institute of HealthValerian
[8]  ABC Health & WellbeingValerian
[9]  Isabell ShipardHow can I use Herbs in My Daily Life (ISBN 0-646-42248-0)
[10]  Jim Duke’s Farmacy - USDAPhytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases
[11]  Australian Herb SocietyHerbology Magazine
[12]  complete-herbal.comSpotlight on Valerian
[13]  Culpepers Complete Herbal Garden Valerian
[14]  Culpepers Complete HerbalTrue Wild Valerian
[15]  Cornell University Internet ArchiveCulpepers Complete Herbal 15.9MB download
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