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Cobblers Pegs overview

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vigorously growing Cobblers Pegs - Bidens Pilosa

aka Farmer’s Friend [1] ...
Bidens Pilosa


This amazing “weed” is one of the world's greatest natural digestive tract healers and lymphatic and anti-allergy remedies.

Clients with painful ulcers, who felt they would suffer for life or need to have major surgery, have taken our Cobblers Pegs tea or tincture and found that, within 6 months, their ulcer was completely healed.

I have also been impressed with the number of clients taking Cobblers Pegs who told me that their allergies and sensitivity have greatly improved.

This is obviously related to the potent effect Cobblers Pegs have on the lymphatic system, cleansing the body - especially the liver and kidneys - which reduces toxicity and consequently sensitivity to toxins - a major cause of allergies.

Current research is beginning to identify some extraordinary healing properties such as the ability to suppress the growth of isolated adult T-cell leukemia cells[2].

Bidens pilosa has also been used traditionally to treat other conditions including wounds, flu, colds, fever, neuralgia, smallpox, snake bite, pain, aneamia, rectal prolapse, hepatitis, jaundice, and colic[3].

Research on this herb first began to substantiate its traditional uses but it was discovered that it has the potential to treat the early stages of malaria, inflammation, diabetes, hypertension, leukemia, cancer, and allergies; it also has antimicrobial action[3].

  Cobblers Pegs Tincture 50ml   50ml for AUD$50.00 postage extra   Quantity: add to cart

  overview health uses herb actions constituents tincture history cultivation  

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 [#]SourceTitle and link to resource if available
[1]  WikipediaBidens Pilosa
[2]  WikipediaBidens pilosa Research
[3]  Home HerbalistCobbler’s Pegs
[4]  RaintreePICÃO PRETO
[5]  British Journal of Pharmacology and ToxicologyBiochemical and Histological Studies of Aqueous Extract of Bidens pilosa Leaves from Ugandan Rift Valley in Rats
[6]  African Health SciencesStudies of anticancer and antipyretic activity of Bidens pilosa whole plant
[7]   Leslie Taylor, NDThe Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs (ISBN-13: 978-0757001444)
[8]  The Australian Naturopathic NetworkBidens pilosa
[9]  GLOBinMEDBidens Pilosa
[10]  Tom and Annes GardenCobblers pegs
[11]  RaintreeBiological Activities for Extracts of Picão preto (Bidens pilosa)
[12]  RaintreeTechnical Data Report for PICÃO PRETO
[13]  Doris PozziEdible Weeds and Garden Plants of Melbourne (ISBN-13:978-0646565088)
[14]  FloraBaseBidens pilosa
[15]  Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER)Bidens pilosa
[16]  International Environmental Weed Foundation (IEWF)Bidens pilosa
[17]  Australian Botanic GardenBidens pilosa
[18]  ecoport (UNFAO)Bidens pilosa
[19]  NT Land ManagerInformation resources for Cobbler's Peg Bidens pilosa
[20]  PlantNETBidens pilosa
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