Natural Health Education videos, ebooks, audiobooks and CDs
Comprehensive, simple and easy-to-use information on natural ways to care for yourself and your health using natural, inexpensive and side-effect-free methods.
The videos you can watch free of charge right now - view list of available topics.
Our other products are available for immediate download from our webshop as:
Whether you are looking for Vibrant Good Health, more Energy and Endurance, Inner Peace, Weight Loss or just simple, plain-english Natural Health Maintenance and Guidance, our ebooks and reports provide what you need.
Middle Path's ebooks and downloadable Natural Health education products are unique in that they provide a COMPLETE approach to creating positive change in your life based on a lifetime of clinically-proven methods.
The information in these ebooks, CDs and audiobooks has been condensed from many years of experience and practical research into using natural methods and practices in our Natural Health Care Clinic
What's available:
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available as
printable ebook
PDF document

available as
an audiobook
MP3 format

relax tracks
available in
MP3 format

available in
MP3 format

available as
an audio CD
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- How to Achieve Spiritual Connection

I wrote “How to Achieve Spiritual Connection” as a reminder on how I got back to Source, as we are ALL ONE and connected I wanted to share it with you too.
- Natural Treatments for Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Worry

Overloaded? Not Coping? Feeling Inadequate? These are common symptoms of Depression, Anxiety, Stress; they lead to Worry which is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere - this ebook is packed with practical, simple and effective ways you can banish your blues.
- Journey to Slimness

Natural Body Management focusing on weight control using natural nutrition.
- Secrets to Living a Quality Life

Eliminate fatigue and many other modern lifestyle challenges using natural, ancient and contemporary information to nurture yourself, your body and your life efficiently and effectively.
- Meditation & Beyond

Effective DIY techniques for stress-management and relief, as well as promoting peace throughout all areas of your life.
- Natural Bath & Beauty Treatments for Glowing Skin

Safe and Toxin-free recipes for Natural Body and Beauty Treatments for Glowing Skin.
- Fast Superfood Smoothie Recipes for Endless Energy

Making Naturally Nutritious Meals on the Go - a Natural Recipe book of Luscious Liquid Lightning Lunches, 189 Recipes and Ideas for delicious, time-saving, energy-giving smoothies.
- Naturopathic Guide to Ultimate Natural Health and Nutrition

Natural methods to prevent disease using nutrition and diet based on inexpensive, commonly available foods and imgredients.
- Easy and Tasty Vegetarian Energy Boosting Recipes

Easy to prepare, easy to eat, natural healthy foods which maintain health and vitality naturally.
- The Health Benefits of the Lemon

Comprehensive and detailed information on the Miraculous Health-maintaining powers of the fruit of the Lemon
- Conscious Coupling

condensed guide to harnessing your potent sexual energies
- Stress - an overview

Our plain-english overview on stress with plenty of common sense to help you get a handle on the beast. Causes, symptoms, self assessment questions - this will give you the layman's lowdown on how to figure out if you have it - even if you are thinking you don't right now!.
Downloadable Hypnotherapy Sessions: harness the power of your sunconscious mind to get what you want
- Abundance Success and Prosperity
 Have you always wanted Abundance and Success and yet it has always just been out of your reach? This powerful Hypnotherapy session will transform your life giving you Abundance, Prosperity & Success.
- Attract Money into your life
 Money is just an energy that you can tap into and attract to you. This powerful Hypnotherapy session will help you let go of old blocks, beliefs and issues that have been holding you back from attracting money.
- Self confidence
 Have you ever missed out on something because you just didn't have the confidence to speak up? Gain confidence with this potent Confidence Hypnotherapy download session instantly right NOW.
- Be Slim - lose weight for good
 How often have you tried to lose weight and then lost weight only to put it all back on again? This powerful Hypnotherapy session will reprogram your subconscious mind at a very deep level to be able to make the changes needed to Be Slim.
- Motivation and Passion
 Attaining a positive attitude is not easy - you need to be at peace with yourself. The optimism built by this session will break the dismal ropes of negativity and help you accomplish tasks you once thought seemingly impossible.
- Quit smoking
 Before you can easily Quit Smoking you need to have a genuine DESIRE to stop smoking. If you have it you can easily use Hypnotherapy to access the subconscious mind to make positive change and farewell the fags.
- Vitality, Energy and Enthusiasm
 Have you tried changing your diet to a healthy one but find yourself going back to junk food? This easy on the ear Hypnotherapy session will help you let go of blocks, beliefs and issues that have been stopping you from being vital, energised and enthusiastic.
About the CDs and MP3s
Our Health, Awareness & Wellbeing Series audio tracks have been professionally recorded at Pix Records Creative Recording Studio.
Using any of the CD or MP3 guided motivation (relaxation) tracks on a daily basis will provide you with motivation and inspiration to help you create Positive, Natural change in your life without side-effects.
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